Photovoltaic roof system

Photovoltaic roof systems offer you the opportunity to supply your home or business with sustainable energy. By harnessing the power of the sun, you not only reduce your electricity costs, but also make a valuable contribution to protecting our environment. With a well-planned photovoltaic system, you are investing in a future-proof and environmentally friendly energy supply – directly from your own roof. Take advantage of the benefits of renewable energies and actively shape a sustainable future for yourself and future generations!

Photovoltaic roof systems: How they work

A photovoltaic roof system converts sunlight directly into electrical energy. The process is based on the so-called photovoltaic effect, which takes place in the solar modules. These modules consist of many solar cells, which are usually made of silicon – a material that reacts particularly well when light hits it.

Step 1: Converting sunlight into electricity

As soon as the sun’s rays hit the solar cells, they set electrons in the silicon in motion. This movement generates direct current (DC). The more intense the light, the more electrons are released and the more electricity is produced. Even on cloudy days, a photovoltaic system can still generate energy as it also uses diffuse light.

Step 2: The inverter – conversion into usable electricity

Since alternating current (AC) is required in our households and businesses, an inverter comes into play. This converts the direct current generated into alternating current, which can then be used in your own household or fed into the public grid.


Step 3: Using and storing the electricity generated

The electricity generated by the photovoltaic roof system can either be used directly for your own consumption or fed into the power grid. To increase the self-consumption rate, you can also invest in an electricity storage system. This stores surplus electricity that you can use in the evening or on days with little sunshine, for example. This will further reduce your dependence on the public electricity grid.

“Whether sloping or flat, large or small, detached house or industrial hall – we analyze every roof.”

Michael Krickl

Planning PV systems at Voltaigo

In 4 steps to a complete photovoltaic system

Send us your address and meaningful photos of your roof, as well as information about your current electricity consumption.

You will receive an initial calculation and a simulation of your new PV system from us.


After all open questions have been clarified, you give Voltaigo the order to set up your own complete photovoltaic system.

We set up the PV system according to your wishes and put it into operation.

A photovoltaic roof system achieves yields of approx. 10% per year with conservative calculation and corresponding self-consumption. If inflation and rising energy prices are included, this value can also be significantly higher. In this way, you can easily earn money with your own roof.

PV systems on carports and parking lot roofs

Areas of shopping centers and parking lots that are already sealed are ideal for the installation of so-called carports.
These not only provide shade for users of the parking spaces, but also supply the necessary electricity for a charging station for e-cars or e-bikes via PV systems on the roof.

Here, too, Voltaigo will find the right solution together with you.

Advantages of your own PV system

Protection against rising electricity prices

Efficient investment to hedge against inflation

Protection against power failure or blackout possible

contribution to climate protection

Andreas Feichtinger
Customer contact Voltaigo

Decide today to buy your own photovoltaic system and become part of the new energy movement!

You can also benefit from photovoltaic subsidies of currently up to € 250 per kWp of installed capacity. Municipalities and regions also offer additional funding.