Ground-mounted photovoltaic system

Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems, also known as solar parks, are one of the key technologies in the field of renewable energies.
In contrast
to conventional photovoltaic systems, which are installed on
roofs or on facades, ground-mounted PV systems are installed on open spaces,
undeveloped areas.
By utilizing large areas of land,
solar parks can produce considerable amounts of electricity, which
makes a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and supports a sustainable energy future.

Ground-mounted photovoltaic system Requirements

The construction of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems requires a careful selection of suitable land in order to achieve optimum results. The plot must be located in a region with high solar radiation and be sufficiently large and level.

We recommend a ground-mounted system from a contiguous area of at least 1 ha.
The ground should be stable and unsealed to facilitate the installation of the solar modules.
In addition, the site should be free of shading and easily accessible for transportation and installation.

Finally, compliance with the land use plan and obtaining all necessary official approvals are essential in order to fulfill the legal framework.

Additional income from a
ground-mounted PV system

If your property meets all the requirements, you can generate additional income with a ground-mounted photovoltaic system.

Long-term leases not only provide you with additional income, but also contribute to the energy transition and reduce CO2 emissions.
The rent for land on which ground-mounted PV systems can be erected is usually significantly higher than the average rent that can be achieved.

As a rule, between € 3,000 and € 6,000 are paid annually, depending on the nature of the property.

Won’t the construction of
ground-mounted PV systems seal valuable soil?

A perfectly legitimate question, which we can answer with a clear “no“.

Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems are usually fixed to the ground with driven foundations, which means that the ground is not sealed. This method makes it possible to largely preserve the natural composition of the soil and ensure the infiltration of rainwater.
In addition, the soil under the solar modules remains usable for vegetation, which can contribute to the promotion of biodiversity.

These areas are often even deliberately planted with greenery or used as grazing areas for animals, which increases the ecological value of the site.
In this way, ground-mounted photovoltaic systems offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of using renewable energy without permanently damaging valuable soils.

Planning and implementation of your
ground-mounted PV system

Are you interested in a ground-mounted photovoltaic system or do you have land that you would like to lease?
There are many hurdles to overcome before a ground-mounted PV system is ready.

You can therefore rely on an experienced partner at your side.

Voltaigo will be happy to support you from planning to implementation. Please contact us for further information or send us an request with your project. We look forward to your inquiry!

“The development of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems is our passion!

In recent years, we have planned and built plants in Hungary, Poland and Great Britain, among others, and handled their financing.

Now we are bringing this know-how to Austria.”

Michael Krickl

Planning PV systems at Voltaigo

Won’t the construction of PV systems seal valuable soil?

A perfectly legitimate question that we can answer with a resounding “no”. Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems are usually anchored in the ground with rammed foundations, which means that the ground is not sealed.

Andreas Feichtinger
Customer contact Voltaigo

Contact us today and become part of the new energy movement!

We would be happy to talk to you about possible business models.